Wall Street Journal
Streams in the Desert
Streams in the Negev
Interesting and informative things from the desert of Israel.
Off the Beaten Trail
Israeli Perspective
Why are we at war? - 2021
Casual archaeology - 2018
How to deal with Matthew 12:40? - 2016
Israeli Perspective - Article 1 - 2012
Israeli Perspective - Article 2 - 2012
Israeli Perspective - Article 3 - 2012
Israeli Perspective - Article 4 - 2012
The Palestinian Problem and the present Uprising - 1991
Kevin Gyllenberg
Israeli Gov't: Christ at the Checkpoint is Problematic
Israeli Gov't: Christ at the Checkpoint is Problematic
Sunday, March 09, 2014 | David Lazarus
“The attempt to use religious motifs in order to mobilize political propaganda and agitate the feelings of the faithful through the manipulation of religion and politics is an unacceptable and shameful act. Using religion for the purpose of incitement in the service of political interests stains the person who does it with a stain of indelible infamy.”
Evangelical Donations to Israel - What Christians Should Know
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